Cotton bags

Why eco-friendly bags are the perfect way to build corporate brand awareness?

Did you know? A recent study by Forrester Consulting revealed that 44% consumers globally are more likely to buy from a brand with clear commitment to sustainability? A survey also revealed that almost 75% of millennials consider sustainability while making a purchase.  People are becoming more aware and conscious of the harmful effects of single-use plastic bags and other products.
The era of plastic bags is slowly coming to an end. If you are working towards reducing your organization’s carbon footprint, switching to eco-friendly shopping bags is a great way to enhance the eco-conscious image of your brand.

Things you should know about Eco-friendly shopping bags
  • Switching to eco-friendly shopping bags has several benefits. Many customers appreciate the reusability of environmentally friendly shopping bags.
  • You can even promote the reusability of your shopping bags on social media or in blog posts.
  • Make some suggestions on how to reuse or repurpose the bags. Customers will respect your commitment to greener techniques.

To draw clients to your brand, you must invest time into strategies that will position your brand in a good way. A tried-and-tested business and marketing tactic is retaining these valued customers is to honour their loyalty with exceptional presents. The beautiful thing is that, based on your strategy, you can create eco-friendly shopping bags to suit a broad price range.

By simply adding your logo, tagline and a call-to-action to these bags, you can get your brand noticed, here is how:
  • High-quality& Customizable Eco-friendly shopping bags that last much longerwith the brand’s logo and colours are the best way to promote your brand.
  • Brand recall – Eco-friendly shopping bags branded with your logo are the ideal method to increase brand recognition and recall value. These bags are a particularly good choice for giveaways and distribution at events and exhibitions. Giving away bags to clients will attract more interest from other customers.
  • Durability -Most preferred over the traditional stationery items, if your bags are stylishly designed and offer durability, your customers would carry them around for everything from grocery-shopping to a meet-and-greet increasing your visibility. Your audience and potential reach will significantly expand as a result.
  • Cost-effective -Reusable bags are also more cost-effective in the long term and create a better customer perception of your brand.

If you’re seeking greener options for your company, get in touch with Bag The Future now.
Bag The Future is a leading supplier of eco-friendly shopping bags to the UAE’s main supermarkets and retail chains. We provide a range of Jute, Juco, Cotton and Canvas bags that can be customised to your brand and messaging. These are available to order in small quantities.To know more, contact us at



