Blog - Bag The Future Wed, 26 Jul 2023 11:52:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog - Bag The Future 32 32 Why eco-friendly bags are the perfect way to build corporate brand awareness? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 10:54:52 +0000 Did you know? A recent study by Forrester Consulting revealed that 44% consumers globally are more likely to buy from a brand with clear commitment to sustainability? A survey also…

The post Why eco-friendly bags are the perfect way to build corporate brand awareness? first appeared on Bag The Future.

Did you know? A recent study by Forrester Consulting revealed that 44% consumers globally are more likely to buy from a brand with clear commitment to sustainability? A survey also revealed that almost 75% of millennials consider sustainability while making a purchase.  People are becoming more aware and conscious of the harmful effects of single-use plastic bags and other products.
The era of plastic bags is slowly coming to an end. If you are working towards reducing your organization’s carbon footprint, switching to eco-friendly shopping bags is a great way to enhance the eco-conscious image of your brand.

Things you should know about Eco-friendly shopping bags
  • Switching to eco-friendly shopping bags has several benefits. Many customers appreciate the reusability of environmentally friendly shopping bags.
  • You can even promote the reusability of your shopping bags on social media or in blog posts.
  • Make some suggestions on how to reuse or repurpose the bags. Customers will respect your commitment to greener techniques.

To draw clients to your brand, you must invest time into strategies that will position your brand in a good way. A tried-and-tested business and marketing tactic is retaining these valued customers is to honour their loyalty with exceptional presents. The beautiful thing is that, based on your strategy, you can create eco-friendly shopping bags to suit a broad price range.

By simply adding your logo, tagline and a call-to-action to these bags, you can get your brand noticed, here is how:
  • High-quality& Customizable Eco-friendly shopping bags that last much longerwith the brand’s logo and colours are the best way to promote your brand.
  • Brand recall – Eco-friendly shopping bags branded with your logo are the ideal method to increase brand recognition and recall value. These bags are a particularly good choice for giveaways and distribution at events and exhibitions. Giving away bags to clients will attract more interest from other customers.
  • Durability -Most preferred over the traditional stationery items, if your bags are stylishly designed and offer durability, your customers would carry them around for everything from grocery-shopping to a meet-and-greet increasing your visibility. Your audience and potential reach will significantly expand as a result.
  • Cost-effective -Reusable bags are also more cost-effective in the long term and create a better customer perception of your brand.

If you’re seeking greener options for your company, get in touch with Bag The Future now.
Bag The Future is a leading supplier of eco-friendly shopping bags to the UAE’s main supermarkets and retail chains. We provide a range of Jute, Juco, Cotton and Canvas bags that can be customised to your brand and messaging. These are available to order in small quantities.To know more, contact us at


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5 simple tips to live more sustainably: Less is More Sat, 01 Oct 2022 12:24:49 +0000 As we witness the already increasing effects of climate change around us, it’s becoming increasingly clear that every choice we make affects our environment. In turn, that affects us. Slowly…

The post 5 simple tips to live more sustainably: Less is More first appeared on Bag The Future.

As we witness the already increasing effects of climate change around us, it’s becoming increasingly clear that every choice we make affects our environment. In turn, that affects us. Slowly but steadily, consumers are becoming more and more aware, and are choosing brands that are ethical and environment-friendly.

However, it’s not just about what brands you choose: what you do in your everyday life can also make a huge difference. There is still a lot of work to be done by all of us, working together, to create a healthier future for everyone.

One of the best ways to go about it is adopting a ‘less-is-more’ policy. If we all embrace a sustainable lifestyle, we can ensure economic development and comfortable living, without compromising on the environment.

Some may wonder if this means we immediately need to start reducing everything we do, buy and consume. The answer? Not necessarily. Often, the solution lies in rethinking the way we do things.

We probably waste a lot of items, devices and products that have a lot more life left in them – either in their original form or in some alternative ways. Just getting that extra mileage from everything we already own can itself go a long way to reduce our negative environmental impact.

To understand more, we need to take a closer look into how literally everything we do has some kind of measurable impact on the world around us – often for the negative.

How do our choices impact the environment?

It’s a fact that nearly every kind of production or manufacturing of day-to-day consumables will result in some amount of wastage. This is usually dumped into either water bodies or landfills, where they decompose and often become toxic, adding to the climate change crisis.

Chemical plants, electrical power plants, automobile factories and real estate also add to air pollution and environmental damage due to green lands being cleared for these plants or edifices to be built.
However, these are large-scale polluters. Surprisingly, a lot of harm is also caused due to the habits of individuals, which all add up to some truly mind-boggling numbers. These can be roughly divided into 4 categories:

  • Food wastage: According to the UN, roughly one-third of food produced worldwide for human consumption is wasted. This is roughly 1.3 billion tonnes of food wasted every year, an economic loss of approximately US$ 680 billion in industrialized countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries.1
  • Wastage from fast fashion: All those clothes we buy at a cheap discount and throw away after few uses? Most of those are not recycled but actually end up in landfills. Data shows that, out of the roughly 100 billion pieces of clothing produced annually, more than 90 million tonnes end up in landfills.2That means one garbage truck’s worth of clothes ends up in landfill sites every single second of every single day. Needless to say, the more we buy, the more gets produced, and the more gets wasted.
  • Electronic waste: Another huge segment of waste is all the electronics that people purchase, only to discard as soon as the next shiny new model is released. In 2021 alone, studies showed that more than 55 million tonnes of electronic waste was produced – in weight, that’s more than the Great Wall of China! This amount is growing by 3 or 4 % every year – spurred by marketing that encourages us to dump older models of phones and laptops for newer ones.3
  • Plastic waste: We saved the most common for last – yes, plastic waste is terrible, but the above forms of waste have not got enough attention compared to this one. The state of plastic pollution is dire –globally, plastic production doubled from 2000 to 2019, crossing 450 million tonnes. You know what else doubled in the same period? Plastic waste generation – crossing 350 million tonnes. Shockingly, only 9% of this was recycled.4

So, every time we throw away something that we could have used for longer – or should never have bought in the first place, let’s be honest – we are harming the planet.

This is why sustainable living is the need of the hour. Encouraging the consumption of wasteful products only harms all of us. Instead, adopting a sustainable lifestyle will drive companies to create healthy work environments, utilize natural resources responsibly and adopt careful waste management practices.

How can I develop a sustainable lifestyle?

It’s not hard. Simple modifications in our daily consumption habits will make a massive difference. Some of the basic changes we can make include:

  • saying no to single-use plastic bags
  • buy only what fruits, vegetables and meat you need so you don’t waste excess
  • reuse leftover food to make more innovative dishes
  • try to buy more organic and sustainably produced items for everything from consumables to clothes
  • using recyclable alternatives wherever possible, including containers, eco-friendly bags, clothes, etc.
  • carrying our own reusable bags every time to the grocery store or even for other kinds of shopping
  • having LEDs or compact fluorescent bulbs at home instead of incandescent bulbs to reduce energy consumption
  • not buying more electronic items than we need (most electronics, with good care, last for years, and newer models are often only slight improvements over existing ones)
  • purchasing eco-friendly clothes only when needed instead of splurging on fast fashion
  • choosing to walk or cycle at every possible opportunity, thus minimizing fuel utilization

Remember: Less is More. You don’t need to give in to every fad, buy the latest iteration of every product, own every new model that’s out in the market.

Every small change you make will have a big impact: on your life, on the lives of others, and in the long run, on the lifecycle of this planet itself.

Is it difficult to live a sustainable life?

Being sustainable in everything we do is a commitment and a promise we make to ourselves and our future. But we will not become perfect at it overnight. Start with small steps to become more comfortable. Patience and motivation are key factors for beginners.

You may forget your reusable cup once – but it is not a failure if you remember to put it in your backpack the next time. So, don’t beat yourself too much and always remember that you are making an impact globally, even if it is slowly.

5 simple yet significant tips for a sustainable lifestyle

  • Reduce, Recycle and Reuse: Buying fewer products overall, renting items we do not use frequently, repairing damaged electronic devices or objects instead of replacing them, and repurposing leftover food will help save energy and reduce greenhouse emissions. The key is to use and reuse every single item in our household and in our daily life as much as possible. With a little thought and creativity, it’s amazing how much use you can still get out of products that you thought had reached the end of their journey.
  • Save water, food and energy at home: As much as possible, switch to eco-friendly modes of electricity like solar. If that’s not possible, try to keep electricity and water usage to a minimum: switch off the AC when you’re not home, ensure to close all taps tightly, monitor your water usage for washing, bathing, etc. Rainwater harvesting, using toilets with dual flush, and water-saving shower heads also help save a good amount of water. When it comes to food, try not to waste anything – more importantly, try not to buy more than you need. Just limiting your purchases will go a long way to limiting your usage, and hence, your wastage.
  • Buy eco-friendly, sustainable products and produce: Toothpaste, soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners and perfumes all come in eco-friendly variations without plastic packaging. Wherever possible, use those instead – if that’s not possible, try to get toiletries in bulk. Toothpaste or shampoo doesn’t go bad even if you leave it on a shelf for a year. Similarly, while organic fruits and vegetables may be more expensive, they are often far better in quality. So, you may need to buy fewer of them to enjoy, thus making an overall positive.
  • Walk, cycle, use public transport or car-pool: Changing up your ways of commuting instead of using an individual car every day helps reduce a huge amount of energy consumption and toxic carbon emissions. Walking and cycling, of course, have the added benefit of helping you stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Buy brands with sustainable certifications: Do a bit of research and find out about the brand before you buy their product. This goes for everything from electronics to food to clothes to furniture – you name it, there is possibly an earth-friendly brand for it. Choosing brands whose products have a limited effect on the environment, which take care of the local communities, and encourage sustainable practices with their producers, vendors and manufacturers, can ensure you not only do your bit, but also push them to do theirs by patronizing them instead of other competitors.

If you follow all these simple steps, and if every person you know also does the same, the power of collective action will bring about benefits in the long run. So let us all commit today to doing our bit for the planet. Remember: Small acts, big impacts.


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Introducing RPET Felt Shopping Bags – made from recycled plastic bottles/ containers Wed, 13 Jul 2022 09:04:06 +0000 Recycled polyethylene tetraphyte, commonly known as RPET is made from recycling plastic bottles and containers. As a company we believe in introducing innovative products which benefit consumers and businesses. One…

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Recycled polyethylene tetraphyte, commonly known as RPET is made from recycling plastic bottles and containers. As a company we believe in introducing innovative products which benefit consumers and businesses. One such unique product we have recently launched is the RPET Felt Bags.

RPETFelt Bags are a good substitute to Jute and Juco. While its quite sturdy and can carry a similar amount of weight, it is more economical. It is a versatile fabric which can be dyed, printed and even embroidered.At Bag The Future, we are constantly looking for unique opportunities and sustainable solutions to offer to our clients, so they can offer it to their consumers and set apart from competitors.

Here are some advantages of RPET Felt Shopping Bags:


RPET Felt Bags are one-of-a-kind and is made from 100 percent recycled PET plastic bottles or containers.


RPET Felt Bags are a sustainable and reusable option that encourages customers to divert from single-use plastic.. They can be reused over and over again for a longer duration.


RPET Felt Bags in higher GSMs are quite sturdy. These are large enough to hold multiple items at once and can carry up to 15 kilograms of weight that makes them suitable for regular reuse.

Cost Effective

RPET Felt Bags are economical compared to Jute and Juco bags. These bags could be 20-30% cheaper.

In line with Dubai’s initiative to reduce single-use plastic bags,we are helping promote products made from recycled plastic thereby reducing the use of plastic, and encouraging consumers to switch to sustainable and reusable options.

Our bags also certified by Global Recycled Standards which means that they are processed sustainably from verified contents.

If you are looking for eco-friendly alternatives for your brand, source RPET bags from Bag The Future. Bag The Future is among the leading suppliers of reusable bags to major supermarkets, retail chains, and hospitality brands in the UAE. We also provide a variety of reusable Jute, Juco, Cotton, Canvas, PP Non-Woven, and PP Woven bags that you can select and customize for your brand. Visit our website for more product details and inquiries,

Recycled pet(RPET) felt bags-new product

  • One-of-a-kind product in the current market made from 100% Recycled PET (Plastic)
  • GRS certified
  • 100% Recyclable
  • These bags are quite sturdy in higher GSMs
  • Light-weight &feels like fabric
  • Can be made in various colours
  • Can be made to carry up to 15Kgs
  • Attractive prints can be made using Screen, Offset & Sublimation printing technologies

The post Introducing RPET Felt Shopping Bags – made from recycled plastic bottles/ containers first appeared on Bag The Future.

Dubai’s Plastic Bag Tariff – What You Need To Know Tue, 14 Jun 2022 14:14:00 +0000 Source: With Dubai shops introducing a 25 fils fee on single-use bags from July 1, 2022, here’s all you need to know. What are the specifications and quality of…

The post Dubai’s Plastic Bag Tariff – What You Need To Know first appeared on Bag The Future.


With Dubai shops introducing a 25 fils fee on single-use bags from July 1, 2022, here’s all you need to know.

What are the specifications and quality of the bags covered by the decision?

The tariff will be applied to all single-use bags used to carry goods at the point of purchase according to the following specifications:

Each bag is less than 57 micrometers thick

Includes bags made of plastic, paper, biodegradable plastic and plant-based biodegradable materials

Does the store have to abide by the 25 Fils per bag tariff?

All stores must apply a tariff of 25 Fils for each single-use bag, and a different tariff can be placed on sustainable (reusable) alternatives if provided by the store.

Can paper bags be used as a free alternative?

The tariff applies to all single-use bags for carrying goods, including paper bags with a thickness of less than 57 micrometers, and stores are not obligated to provide free alternatives as the goal is to push a change in consumer behavior in order to preserve the local environment.

Is the tariff mandatory on the shops or is it optional?

The tariff is mandatory for all stores that use single-use bags to carry goods.

Is it possible to provide bags of another quality as an alternative to plastic bags?

Yes, but the tariff applies to the alternatives if the specifications match the single-use bags for carrying goods

When will the tariff be applied? And when will the circulation of bags be banned in general?

The tariff will be applied starting from July 1, 2022 until the complete ban within two years.

Do I have a deadline to organize the work mechanism and cover the needs of the decision?

Yes, there is a period of four months for the application of the tariff, and then two years to ban the use of single-use bags. The prohibited goods will be determined at a later time.

How do I show the value on the purchase invoice?

It can be added like any other item recorded on the invoice at the time of purchase.

Is there a limit on the number of bags sold per consumer?

There is no cap on the number of bags sold per consumer, but Dubai Municipality recommends that employees at payment points be trained to rationalize the use of bags when packing and delivering purchases.

Is the tariff calculated even if the consumer brings his own bags?

The tariff is not calculated if the consumer brings his own bags.

To whom does the transfer of revenues from single-use bags belong?

Transfer of revenue belongs to the private sector and the Municipality recommends that it be donated to support sustainable initiatives either through the company or through local environmental and community associations

Why was a tariff imposed on single-use bags and what are the benefits of the decision?

Disposable bags for carrying goods are a major source of litter and pollution in our environment. These bags do not decompose until after a very long period of time, and are used only once – perhaps twice – before they are disposed of. Most of them are only used once to carry goods from the store to the home.

For example, single-use bags take 400 years to decompose and thousands of years to reduce their negative effects. A study from a local authority found that about 86% of the sea turtles that were found dead on the beaches of some emirates in the country had consumed plastic materials thinking they were jellyfish. These bags may also cause blockage of the digestive tract and the death of some animals, such as camels, goats and deer. A study from the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency found that 50 per cent of dead camels had consumed plastic.

Does the tariff apply to single-use plastic bags only?

As for other bags, it should be noted that alternatives often have a larger environmental footprint than plastic bags but are easier to manage at the disposal stage and cause less environmental and health damage, provided they are used properly. For example, the production of paper bags is also harmful to the environment and leads to the cutting of large quantities of trees and the consumption of great resources and energy, and therefore its use also requires paying the imposed fees.

Single-use plastic bags have a lower environmental footprint than paper bags in the manufacturing stage, but their damages lie in the disposal stage. We need to use paper bags at least three to seven times to have a lower environmental impact than non-recyclable plastic bags that carry goods.



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Single-use bags vs reusable bags. What is more beneficial to a business? Wed, 18 May 2022 07:24:10 +0000 A study by a non-profit organization, Conserving Now, revealed that only 1 in every 200 single-use bags gets recycled globally. Besides carrying a decent number of items, these bags do…

The post Single-use bags vs reusable bags. What is more beneficial to a business? first appeared on Bag The Future.

A study by a non-profit organization, Conserving Now, revealed that only 1 in every 200 single-use bags gets recycled globally. Besides carrying a decent number of items, these bags do not serve the purpose in long term.

In line with UAE’s initiative to become more environmentally sustainable, the Executive Council of Dubai announced that a tariff of 25 fills will be charged for single-use plastic bags. As an alternative, businesses will be looking at the option of offering reusable bags to customers. However, the practical advantages of reusable bags for businesses go beyond just customer satisfaction. Here are ways in which these bags benefit the businesses:

1. Support for environmental sustainability –

Reusable bags are often called bags-for-life, entailing that these bags come with a lifetime warranty. As a brand, when you switch to offering your customers this option at a certain charge, you are helping the environment by reducing the use of plastic.

2. Marketing and promotional tool –

Sturdy jute, cotton, and jute bags can come in stylish, customizable designs which you can capitalize on by strategically placing your brand’s logo and important details. This enhances the visibility of your brand name. When customers like the design, they tend to use it more frequently and this adds to the recall value of your brand.

3. Promoting eco-friendly brand image –

Offering reusable bags effectively communicates your brand’s commitment to conserving and sustaining the environment. This helps in attracting more consumers who are eco-conscious. As a business, your initiatives can influence the masses and you offer eco-friendly bags to lead by example and raise awareness about environmentally and economically beneficial practices.

4. Cost-effective solution –

Once the initiative as per the new policy is implied businesses will need to charge 25 fils per single-use bag. Switching to reusable bags proves to be more cost-effective for consumers and consequently the business to some extent.

As a business, you would want to source reusable bags from a reliable manufacturer. Bag the Future is among the leading suppliers of reusable bags to major supermarkets, retail chains, e-commerce online stores, healthcare, fashion, and hospitality brands in the UAE. We provide you with a varied range of options at unbeatable prices. Choose from our selection of Jute, Juco, Cotton, Canvas, PP Non-Woven, Kraft Paper, RPET (Recycled PET), and PP Woven bags.

Get in touch to know more. You can email us at


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4 reasons to choose FSC certified, 100% recycled kraft paper bags only Mon, 09 May 2022 07:07:33 +0000 Biggest consumer brands worldwide are taking strides towards fostering and promoting sustainability. In the wake of the movement to make more sustainable choices, the use of paper bags as an…

The post 4 reasons to choose FSC certified, 100% recycled kraft paper bags only first appeared on Bag The Future.


Biggest consumer brands worldwide are taking strides towards fostering and promoting sustainability.

In the wake of the movement to make more sustainable choices, the use of paper bags as an alternative to single-use plastic bags is gaining focus. Owing to the global environmental consciousness, paper bags are being used extensively across various industries including retail, eCommerce, and food service. With UAE all set to implement its integrated, single-use plastic policy, recycled kraft paper bags can serve as a viable alternative for retailers and brands alike, especially when you have to give a bag free of charge to your consumers.

Here are 4 reasons why your company should turn attention towards sourcing FSC-certified, 100% recycled kraft paper bags.

1. FSC is the certification of responsibly sourced kraft paper bags –

The Forest Stewardship Council (or FSC) is a market certification program that acts as a recognized stamp of approval for products that maintain their environmental benefits and promote responsible management of the world’s forests. This means that sourcing kraft paper bags with FSC labels can give your brand the confidence that your choice is not harming the forests. An audit trail has to be maintained from the source of the paper to the bag manufacturer.

2. FSC Mandate –

FSC is the single largest internationally operating accreditation body under which the certified companies voluntarily conserve forests while producing paper. Every tree that is cut for paper is replaced by 3 saplings planted.

3. Promote recyclability –

100% recycled paper bags are made of wood or fibers from reclaimed and reused materials. If you are determined to position yourself as an eco-conscious brand using 100% recycled paper, ensure that you are not cutting more trees and using available resources. Several major brands around the world have chosen to use 100% recycled paper. Since paper can be recycled, again and again, you can promote recycled paper bags made from already available recycled paper ensuring that fewer trees are cut.

4. Brand perception –

FSC is a recognized stamp of approval on products that are derived from responsible sources. FSC provides the assurance that you are not cutting more trees and saving the environment in the process. When you are using FSC, you gain consumer confidence and consumers perceive the brand as more sustainable and eco-conscious.

As Major global brands from all sectors including retail use 100% recycled kraft paper. More companies in UAE are also coming forward with alternatives to make UAE plastic-free. If you are looking for eco-friendly alternatives for your brand, source 100% recycled, FSC-certified single-use kraft paper bags from Bag The Future. Bag the Future is among the leading suppliers of recyclable bags to major supermarkets, retail chains, and hospitality brands in the UAE. We also provide a variety of reusable Jute, Juco, Cotton, Canvas, PP Non-Woven, RPET (Recycled PET), and PP Woven bags that you can select and customize for your brand. Get in touch for more product details and inquiries. Email us at


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Why Juco Shopping Bags are the most popular? Wed, 27 Apr 2022 14:02:35 +0000 Did you know jute is the most affordable vegetable fiber and second best to cotton in the amount produced and variety of uses? Juco is a smart and ecological fabric made from…

The post Why Juco Shopping Bags are the most popular? first appeared on Bag The Future.

Did you know jute is the most affordable vegetable fiber and second best to cotton in the amount produced and variety of uses?

Juco is a smart and ecological fabric made from a fine blend of jute and cotton. Taking the best properties of the two eco-friendly fibers, juco offers a popular alternative to cotton, jute and canvas bags.

With the recent declaration of the UAE’s policy to ban single-use plastic, industries including retail, hospitality, food services, and e-commerce are actively seeking sustainable alternatives. Abu Dhabi and Dubai may soon experience customers resorting to the trend of ‘bring your own bag’.

With the ongoing changes towards compliance with the new policy, it is time for the brands to look at offering reusable bags for customers to buy in their stores. While there are several options available, Juco bags continue to be a preferred choice for the companies as well as the customers.

Here are 5 reasons behind the popularity of Juco bags: 

  1. Durability:
    Jute lends its high tensile strength to the fabric blend and gives the Juco bags the high durability that they are preferred for. Juco bags rate higher in terms of utility and can be used to carry even heavy items like hardware. They also have higher longevity and can last for up to 12-14 months longer than any other material.
  2. Premium finish:
    Juco fabric derive the advantage of the smooth surface of the cotton fiber. During the manufacturing process, the juco bags also undergo a process of high-quality lamination. Lamination enhances the water-resistant properties of the bag and makes them more presentable with a heightened overall premium touch and feel experience for users.
  3. Sturdiness:
    Laminated juco bags are sturdier than any other eco-friendly options and are favored by many shoppers since they can be used to carry heavy loads of items. The production process enhances the stiffness of juco bags and they maintain their shape even when not in use.
  4. Eco-friendliness:
    Since juco is made from natural fibers, it is 100% bio-degradable. Not only this, jute and cotton are typically the fibers that are obtained without harming the plants in the process. By offering juco bags as an option to your customers, you would also gain popularity as a brand promoting environmental wellness.
  5. Great for branding purposes:
    The smooth surface of juco bags is ideal for printing. Lamination also enhances the colour and beauty of the designs. Juco bags also stand out because they come in various size options and can be used frequently. Overall, juco bags have a fine texture that makes them impactful and perfectly suitable for branding and promotional purposes.

Juco shopping bags are a win-win for the brands as well as the consumers. These eco-friendly bags are manufactured to the highest specifications that provide them incomparable strength and durability as well as a massive branding potential.

Bag the Future is one of the region’s leading manufacturers and suppliers that cater to major supermarkets, retail chains, and hospitality brands. To explore a variety of customized reusable Jute, Juco, Cotton, Canvas, PP Non-Woven, RPET (Recycled PET)and PP Woven bags, get in touch with us. You can email us at for product details and inquiries.

It feels premium – amongst the diff eco-friendly options juco bags look more premium…


The post Why Juco Shopping Bags are the most popular? first appeared on Bag The Future.

Reasons why eco-friendly reusable bags benefits the businesses, consumers and the environment Wed, 13 Apr 2022 11:31:07 +0000 Going green is trending globally. Customers are increasingly adapting a green lifestyle and companies are investing in creating eco-friendly and sustainable products. But green lifestyle and businesses cannot stay limited…

The post Reasons why eco-friendly reusable bags benefits the businesses, consumers and the environment first appeared on Bag The Future.

Going green is trending globally. Customers are increasingly adapting a green lifestyle and companies are investing in creating eco-friendly and sustainable products. But green lifestyle and businesses cannot stay limited to just products and services, the packaging matters as well!

Here are reasons why eco-friendly reusable bags are beneficial for businesses, consumers and the environment in a long run:


A report presented at the World Government Summit in February 2019 revealed that 11 billion single-use plastic bags are used annually in the UAE. This is equivalent to 1,182 plastic bags per person. According to the new Government policy, customers will be charged 25 fils for every single bag. If we go by the statistics, this would amount up to approximately 296 dirhams annually. However, this cost is incurred by all customers cyclically since single-use bags have zero longevity and need to be purchased over and over again.
On the other hand, reusable bags are priced 2.5 Dirhams onwards and come with a lifetime warranty. This could bring down the expenses incurred by customers by almost 99%, the reusable bags are more cost-effective for customers.

Reusable bags will reduce the need for single-use bags which means the cost incurred in single-use bags will reduce. This cost includes not only the procurement of single-use bags, but also the disposal and recycling costs of these bags. Shifting to providing reusable bags will also tend to attract more eco-conscious customers, thereby increasing the customer base and enhancing brand’s eco-friendly image.
In addition, they can also give a major boost to businesses. Thanks to their durability, reusable bags can endure heavy loads for longer period of time and businesses can customize them for effective brand promotion. Since the bag is reusable, customers can use them often and the frequency of usage enhances brand visibility at comparatively lesser cost than advertising.

The biggest penalty of single-use bags is incurred by the environment. With UAE’s new endeavor, we can expect to see more reusable bags incorporated in businesses, restaurants, malls and retail outlets. It is estimated that this shift from single-use plastics will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases as well as the amount of plastic that enters into the environment.
Overall, the new Single Use Plastic in the UAE policy is expected to channelize the public behavior towards more sustainable practices that will lead to environment conservation in a long run.
Juco, Jute and Cotton bags are extremely spacious, and this makes them the perfect choice for heavy-duty grocery shopping. If your business is considering them for the upcoming shift, it is important to source them from a reliable manufacturer. Bag The Future is one of the UAE’s foremost manufacturers and suppliers of eco-friendly, reusable, and recyclable shopping bags for major supermarkets, retail chains, and hospitality brands alike. Get it touch with us to know more –


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Benefits of using reusable shopping bags Thu, 01 Jul 2021 04:37:53 +0000 Here are the immense benefits of reusing bags – even plastic ones! We know plastic is harmful – but that still doesn’t stop us from using it in every sphere…

The post Benefits of using reusable shopping bags first appeared on Bag The Future.

Here are the immense benefits of reusing bags – even plastic ones!

We know plastic is harmful – but that still doesn’t stop us from using it in every sphere of life. Every time we buy something from any store, most of us put the items into plastic bags. Which we then throw away. And many of us also believe – wrongly – that these plastic bags could be ‘recyclable’. So why would someone want to reuse bags – or even buy a reusable bag?

The answer to this question is very simple. When individuals and businesses choose to reuse the same bag – or invest in reusable shopping bags – over plastics, the damage that plastic bags do to the environment gets massively reduced.

Let’s dig deeper.

How do plastic bags harm the environment?

The Centers for Biological Diversity report that pollution caused by plastic bags directly harms 267 different species living in the oceans, while also being responsible for the death of over 100,000 marine animals annually.

While you might see many campaigns devoted to recycling plastic bags and promoting their reusability, in reality, only 3 to 10% of the plastic bags used are ever recycled, with a large majority of them ending up polluting oceans and landfills, where they are left for decades to degrade.1

How reusing bags helps the planet

Reusing a single bag as little as 4 times means the need for new bags to be manufactured comes down by a margin of 18%. That’s a really big impact for such a small act, especially since we use bags for many reasons in our day-to-day lives.

You know what? If we reuse the same bag – any bag, plastic or not – 20 times instead of 4, thenumber of new bags required drops by a whopping 82%!

Just take a moment to think how beneficial it would be for the environment if you make this a lasting habit. This way, even if you stick to using plastic bags, just 4 or 5 bags can potentially replace 520 plastic bags throughout the entire year.

Imagine this being applied on a grander scale with more and more people adopting this culture. Thousands of plastic bags currently in use would be reduced to just a handful.

How companies benefit from people reusing bags

Aside from the positive impact on the environment and the reduction of plasticpollution, business owners can benefit from an improved brand image when they promote reusing bags or sell reusable bags instead of single-use plastics.

This new image can go a long way toward attractingfuture customers who are becoming increasingly more environmentally conscious. In a report by Recycling Lives2, it was found that 4 out of 5 people would prefer shopping from a brand that engages in environmentally sustainable operations.

Being environmentally conscious is often an integral part of a company’s Corporate Social Responsibility, with many of them leaning towards implementing sustainable practices in order to give back to the community by promoting a greener lifestyle.

We, at Bag the Future, can provide you with environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions when it comes to both reusable bags and recyclable bags. Our eco-friendly, sustainable products can help your company prove your environmental consciousness to your customers and boost your brand impact, which will go a long way toward building customer loyalty.

Invest in reusable bags, and a greener future.

Interested to find out more about how you can partner with us? Get in touch today and our representatives will give you a call or set up a meeting to discuss further.




The post Benefits of using reusable shopping bags first appeared on Bag The Future.

What is Bag for Life initiative and how does it benefit your brand? Thu, 01 Jul 2021 04:37:03 +0000 Say NO to Plastic: Say YES to Bag for Life Bag The Future, was started with the main objective of creating a better environment for the generations to come by…

The post What is Bag for Life initiative and how does it benefit your brand? first appeared on Bag The Future.


Say NO to Plastic: Say YES to Bag for Life

Bag The Future, was started with the main objective of creating a better environment for the generations to come by eliminating plastic. As a manufacturer and distributor of all types of eco-friendly bags and recyclable bags and products, we help companies of all sizes ideate, develop and implement various types of effective solutions to reduce or eliminate the use of plastic altogether.

In order to do this, our latest initiative “Bag for Life” aims to help companies save the planet by reducing the use of plastics while reducing your cost at the same time – all through the increased use of reusable bags and recyclable bags.

In this article, we will help you understand more about this initiative, and why it will benefit both you and your customers, as well as our planet.

What exactly is ‘Bag for Life’?

Bag The Future has created the Bag for Life concept to motivate corporations, to limit their use of plastic. Despite all the promotions and initiatives to eliminate plastic, a majority of stores still carry plastic bags because customers are so used to them. But what would happen if a store encourages customers to not use even a single plastic bag by just buying one reusable bag from the store – just once? That’s the idea behind Bag for Life.

By avoiding handing out hundreds of plastic bags a day every time a customer buys a product, customers will see the value in using just one sturdy, reusable and recyclable bag for a much longer time. At the same time, by joining this initiative, not only will we all be taking the long-overdue action of giving back and caring about our environment and planet, but it will also benefit your corporation tremendously.

It may seem as though plastic bags are cheap and essential; therefore, nobody pays too much mind to their costs. However, did you know that giving each customer a reusable bag that they use say about 20 times reduces the need for new bags by 82%!! Saving yourself from purchasing that many plastic bags that you will later give out for free can save you tons with a very simple and environmentally conscious solution. 

But it doesn’t stop there – each recyclable bag from Bag The Future is made from sustainable, recyclable materials and manufactured ethically under fair-wage conditions at our ISO-certified factories in India. There are a variety of materials you can offer your customers, including jute, cotton, and juco (a combination of jute and cotton) – and we also offer custom designs on the bags, making it that much more personalized.

Why should I give a free replacement?

Under the Bag for Life initiative, we are proposing an extremely innovative way to attract customers: offer them a free bag from your side if ever the reusable bag they bought tears or gets damaged – due to genuine reasons, of course. After all, although our bags are extremely sturdy and durable, accidents do happen.

All corporates need to do is tell the customer: “If your bag is genuinely damaged from natural wear and tear or accidental damages, it will be replaced for free.”

Now you can ask:

“Why would I replace a customer’s Bag for Life free?”

The answer is pretty simple and logical. If you buy 4 or 5 reusable bags, they will replace around 520 plastic bags per year! It is a much greater loss opting to continue the use of plastic bags at your stores rather than occasionally replacing a customer’s Bag for Life. (And don’t worry, they’re very durable).

You can add the note that replacements are only for genuine, accidental damage to bags or natural wear and tear during its lifespan. Replacements will not be provided for deliberate damage done to the bags.

Why should I join the ‘Bag for Life’ Initiative?

As a business owner or procurement manager, you may question the need to buy your own reusable bags at all – especially when plastic bags just seem like a much quicker and easier option. Well, here are a few things that can help you reconsider your answer.

Approximately 5 trillion bags are consumed worldwide every year. That breaks down to 160,000 bags being used and discarded every second!

Even more shocking, data tells us that – whether the bag is actually recyclable or not – only 1% to 2% of all plastic is eventually recycled. What happens to the remaining 98% of plastic we use? It ends up in oceans or landfills. 

This is something that becomes truly concerning when we consider the fact that we use each plastic bag for an average of 12 to 20 minutes only, but it takes them over 1,000 years to degrade!

If even a fraction of the earth’s population decides to stop using plastic, it will make a HUGE difference and have a remarkable impact on our quality of life and environment. That is why you – and everyone you know – should partner with us and become users of  Bag for Life.

Get Started Today!

So, what are you waiting for? Elevate your operations, join our Bag for Life initiative, and make a conscious and cost-effective choice toward a healthier planet. Our reusable bags are extremely affordable and versatile – and remember, a small change makes a big difference to your company and your community.

Think of it as a small act that has a big impact on the environment. Join the Bag for Life family and help us in saving our planet!

Interested to learn more? Contact us today and our representative will take you through the entire process.


The post What is Bag for Life initiative and how does it benefit your brand? first appeared on Bag The Future.
